We want to live in a place that’s greener, fairer, and equal for all. We want to create products with provenance, partner with brands we can trust, and work in a way that’s honest & sustainable.

Our Approach
We believe that by working together we can improve the fashion and jewellery sectors to the benefit of all in the supply chain.
Our commercial background means we understand our clients and speak the same language. We'll help you to cut through the complexity & implement practical, cost-effective changes to build a business that balances profit with purpose

Vanessa Brain
Vanessa brings together a wealth of commercial fashion and sustainability experience. She is a specialist in sustainable materials, global sourcing, certification and traceability systems for the fashion, footwear and textiles sector. Learn more.

Victoria Waugh
Victoria supports companies to define and implement sustainability strategies. She specialises in responsible sourcing & supply chains, has a passion for small business, is a B Leader, and is Director of Considered Jewellery. Learn more.
Having worked together at the Fairtrade Foundation, we have a shared vision for what sustainability means in the fashion & jewellery sectors.
We each have over twenty years hands-on, commercial experience: from designing and manufacturing product for leading brands, to creating sustainability strategies for award winning businesses, and developing key certification and traceability tools used to source materials responsibly.
We've visited gold mines, cotton fields and factories across the world; and have supported businesses of all sizes to improve their sourcing practices, drive sales and more effectively communicate with their customers.